欢迎 to the College Prep 校友 Association!

你好! 给那些不认识我的人, 我有独特的特权, 和快乐, 担任校友会主席.

非常诚实地说, stepping into this position has been wonderful, 但也让我大吃一惊. It feels like only yesterday that I was attending 类 on campus and spending free periods hanging out on the gym deck so it feels strange to be coming back to the School now in an entirely new role.

It turns out that I’ve been away from College Prep much longer than it feels—20 years, in fact. That (sobering) realization has prompted me to reflect on all the amazing things the School has given me and how my experiences at College Prep have changed the entire course of my life. Some of my best friends are people that I first met at College Prep, and many of the skills the School helped me develop (such as public speaking through 辩论) are still serving me well in my career as a lawyer.
所以我在这里, hoping to give something back to the place that has given me so much and to connect (or reconnect) with all of you. 与此同时, please reach out if you’re interested in getting updates or engaging with College Prep. I can personally attest that it’s a fulfilling experience.

我期待着尽快和你联系. 你会接到我的电话的!
Chris Sun ' 04
There are many ways alumni can give their time and share their expertise with College Prep and our student community.
对志愿服务感兴趣? 有几种方法可以参与进来. 如果你对下面的机会感兴趣, contact the Director of 校友 Relations with questions or 了解更多信息: 510.420.6186 or cindy@gkym.net.



  • 年度捐献

    Gifts to the College Prep 校友周年基金 are essential in helping to bring all aspects of school life to fruition. We are grateful for the dedicated volunteers who work with the 校友 and Advancement Offices to promote the importance of philanthropy among alumni.

    Do you have a knack for fundraising and connection? If so, you can volunteer to be an 校友周年基金 representative and help make an impact, email alumni@gkym.net 了解更多信息.
  • 团聚

    很期待今年的同学会? 作为班级代表,帮助班级团结起来. This is an excellent way to reconnect classmates and to be part of the planning process for your milestone event.
  • 校友职业对话小组

    Current 学生 are always interested in hearing from our alumni about their professions and the various pathways into their careers. We are looking for alumni who would like to volunteer to be on one of our upcoming career panels. 如果你有兴趣参加, 请填一下这张表 或电子邮件 cindy@gkym.net.

    Common Classroom is a weekly class open to current 学生, 教师, and staff that features a rotating set of engaging, 不分级的学习机会. 老师, 学生, and alumni may lead or participate in activities, 类, and workshops across a range of ever-changing offerings that include relaxing art projects, 政治讨论, 物质的追求, 职业道路!


  • 黑人校友和学生亲密团体

    This affinity group came about as a result of a direct ask by current BSU 学生 for more meaningful and longer-term engagement with alumni. Unlike the Common Classroom program where College Prep alumni can share their passions and journeys since leaving high school, this affinity space serves to connect 学生 with a broad range of alumni to specifically discuss the challenges and emotions they are experiencing as Black 学生 at College Prep.
  • 人际关系、骄傲和精神日

    人际关系、骄傲和精神日 is an annual event each January for the entire College Prep community to come together and learn about a common topic centered around equity and belonging. CPS Day is organized by the Student Equity Action Team and the Office of 公平与归属 and features speakers from both within and outside our community.

    To learn more about upcoming CPS Day events email cindy@gkym.net.
  • 社会影响实习

    你从事社会或环境正义方面的工作吗? Would you be interested in connecting with student groups as they go through the design process for their own impact projects, or in inviting a group of 学生 to consult on a project for an organization with which you're affiliated? We have several opportunities for alumni involvement.
  • 阀杆研究项目

    The College Prep 阀杆 program continues to immerse talented Sophomores and Juniors in the many facets  that make up the wider world of 阀杆 research. A cornerstone of the program is the summer internship, a four to eight week hands on placement in Labs, 学术单位, and both for- and non-profit entities across the bay area. We are continually looking for the assistance of College Prep alumni, 澳门, and their networks to help us find placements for the 阀杆 学生, and indeed the many other College Prep 学生 who possess a deep interest in 阀杆 research. The 学生 are excited and well prepared to join a research lab or other type of team, having spent a semester learning about research ethics, 解码学术期刊, and basic biostatistical coding in addition to their other sciences 类. 他们与加州大学伯克利分校的实验室合作, 加州大学旧金山分校, and many other institutions where mentors constantly sing their praises.
澳门有近900名会员 领英校友群 is a great resource for connecting with classmates, 参加与职业相关的论坛, 了解工作机会, 加入特定行业的子小组.  我们鼓励所有校友加入.

Add College Prep to your Education profile on LinkedIn

你搬家了吗?? 澳门们,厌倦了收到你们的毕业信? 我们有你现在的邮箱吗? W我想保持联系! If you or your graduate has new contact information, 请填一下这张表 或发邮件至alumni@gkym.net.

Lisie哈, 大学咨询 Assistant/Academic Data Manager, at lisie@gkym.net.

