数学 & 计算机科学

College Prep’s math program is problem based and student centered.
Using an approach that integrates the traditional areas of mathematics—algebra, 几何, 三角函数, 有关微积分的知识, 以及微积分——贯穿于六个连续的学习阶段, 学生成为擅长阅读的独立学习者, 写作, 探索, 应用, 交流数学概念.
  • Algebra is foundational as a modeling and 解决问题 tool
  • Geometry in two and three dimensions is integrated across topics at all levels and includes coordinate and transformational approaches
  • 向量的研究, 矩阵, 计数, 数据分析, and other topics from discrete mathematics is woven into core courses
  • Computer-based and calculator-based activities are part of core courses
  • 主题探索视觉,象征和口头
  • The capacity to develop 解决问题 strategies depends on an accumulated body of knowledge


  • 描述性的 & 推论统计

    统计是收集的艺术和科学, 组织, 分析, 从数据中得出结论. 课程主题包括探索数据, 抽样和实验, 概率与模拟, 统计推断. 学生使用科技, 调查, 解决问题, 写作来建立概念性的理解. This course is recommended for those interested in any field that uses data, 包括科学, 工程, 社会科学, 商业研究.
  • 数学1

    本课程涉及解决问题的基本技能, the translation of prose into mathematical equations and diagrams, 数学过程的口头和书面报告, 还有数学直觉. Topics from algebra and 几何 are integrated and include conversions and rates, 比例推理, 面积和周长, 线性和二次方程, 曲线的变换, 不平等, 绝对值, 坐标几何. 强调代数技能有助于解决问题.
  • 数学2

    This course includes topics from algebra, 几何, and 三角函数. Students learn 技术 and theorems through problem solving. Collaborative study helps develop the ability to reflect on and explain mathematical processes. 主题包括行, 多边形, 向量, 圈, 三角形, 四边形和抛物线, 和直角三角形的三角学. Similarity and congruence are studied through the lens of transformations. An investigation of linear motion leads to the use of parameters and consideration of optimal paths of travel.
  • 数学3和3i

    These courses explore nonlinear motion and nonlinear functions: circular motion and the functions that describe it, 椭圆和双曲线, 指数函数和对数函数, 点积和矩阵, 以及地球表面的几何学. Advanced trigonometric 技术 recur throughout the course. 对数用于拉直非线性数据, and 矩阵 are used to describe geometric transformations and various patterns of growth.
  • 数学四和数学四

    These courses build on the foundations of functions and 三角函数 and provide an introduction to both integral and differential calculus. 微积分主题包括, 但不限于, 限制, 基本函数的一阶和二阶导数, 应用于最大值和最小值以及变化率, as well as integration 技术 和应用程序 to area and volume. 数学 4i also includes topics from analysis (序列 and series, 向量, 极坐标函数和参数函数, and complex numbers) and discrete math (combinatorics and probability, and 三角函数 (sum/difference formulas and trigonometric identities).
  • 数学5和5i

    These courses are continuations of differential and integral calculus. 主题包括, 但不限于:微分方程理论, 复杂的分析, 序列, series (including Taylor series and power series) and convergence tests, 不定式理论, 反常积分, 和应用程序.
  • 数学6

    本课程从工具开始, 技术, 以及线性代数的概念, emphasizing linear algebraic systems (together with matrix wizardry) to generalize toward underlying abstract structures: vector spaces, 线性映射, 以及线性代数的基本定理. 后面的主题包括内积和规范, 正交性(包括Gram-Schmidt分解), 勒让德多项式), eigenvalues and singular values (including the spectral theorem, the Schur decomposition and Jordan canonical form) as well as applications such as minimization and least squares, 数据拟合与插值, 傅里叶级数, 迭代, 动力学(微分方程组).
  • 抽象代数

    This course introduces students to the beauty and whimsy of abstraction without losing track of algebra’s practical roots. 使用证明, students learn how to generalize the basic rules of addition and multiplication to objects other than usual numbers and how those rules give structure to collections of objects. 主题包括结构,如向量空间, 组, 环, 字段, and their applications to coding theory and public-key cryptography, 对称, 几何结构, 和伽罗瓦理论.


The College Prep 计算机科学 program allows for beginning through advanced opportunities to study foundational 计算机科学 principles and concepts through the lens of Python, an ideal first programming language whose versatility makes it an excellent choice for a wide variety of applications. The introductory course (CS1) is a deep dive into programming, building a foundation in the general constructs of languages. 处于中级水平, 基于项目的课程(CS2), students apply their programming skills to build embedded system prototypes using microcontrollers—such as Arduinos and Raspberry Pis, 传感器, 以及其他电子产品. The advanced course (CS3) focuses on data science, analysis, and modeling.


  • CS1:计算机科学基础

    这门课程揭示了计算机是如何工作的, 数据是如何在世界范围内被操纵和移动的, and teaches proficiency in the Python programming language through hands-on labs and projects. The course introduces 解决问题 strategies that help students debug, 反思, 改进他们的工作. Students build and showcase their skills through pair programming, 互动模块, 以及一系列合作编程的机会.
  • CS2:使用Python进行计算机编程

    This course focuses on fundamental concepts of computer programming: abstraction, 算法, 效率, 数据操作. 主题包括编程中使用的变量, Boolean logic and the use of conditional statements to control the flow of a program, 还有循环以及如何应用递归来解决问题. Students use functions to perform tasks that break a complex problem into smaller pieces that are easier to solve. The course introduces object-oriented programming in which students learn how to use objects and classes to provide a clear structure to their code, 让它更容易阅读, 理解, 和调试. Coding skills are honed on a series of individual and group projects. As a final project, students work in 组 to design and create their own text adventure game.
  • CS3:数据科学

    This course equips students with the tools and skills of a data scientist. 学生学习收集和清理原始数据, explore different data visualization tools that make it easier to see and 理解 trends, 并学会分析他们的数据, transforming and modeling it to draw conclusions and inform decision-making.


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    格雷琴 维尔纳 

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从高中开始我就想成为一名数学老师. 数学有时被认为是一门严肃的学科, but I always look for unexpected moments that will captivate the students, 或者逗他们笑. 它重置了课堂,对我们所有人都很有吸引力.


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