We are delighted to welcome you to the College Prep 家长协会 (PA). 私人助理在这里帮助促进家长之间的沟通, 合作, and involvement; promote a strong sense of community; and support the school's mission, 项目, 和活动. 作为澳门的家长和监护人, you are all members of the PA and are encouraged to get involved in any way that meets your interests and fits your schedule. 通过参加会议, 加入委员会, 或者在一个活动中工作, 你会遇到其他家长,并为更大的预科社区做出贡献. 
I welcome your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions and look forward to getting to know you! 

艾玛Bufton ”(乔治·25)


所有预备学校的家长和监护人都是家长协会的成员. PA的目的是帮助促进家长之间的沟通, 合作, and involvement; promote a strong sense of community; and support the school's mission, 项目, 和活动.


  • Bookfair

    The Parent's Association 书展 invites book lovers to roam through thousands of books (and some
    媒体)适合所有年龄层. 参观者可以从大量近期和高质量的作品中进行选择, 还有一些古董和古董书,价格非常便宜. 在这次大减价中,每个人都能买到真正适合自己的东西. The 书展 Chairs are responsible for the 计划ning and implementation of the 书展, 传统上在三月举行. The chairs work with the PA President and School to schedule the 书展 and 宣传 and promote the 书展 through writing notices in the PrepWeekly, 社区报纸, 如果可能的话, and posting signs in strategic areas such as in Montclair and in front of the school. 志愿者s help to sort books into appropriate categories and set up and clean up the event in the spring.
  • 公平及归属委员会(PAEBC)

    PAEBC is an opportunity for 澳门 to lead and engage our community through an equity and inclusion practice to ensure a joyful, 种类, 多样化的, 通过偏见管理为所有人创造一个创造性的社区, 文化能力, 服务领导. PAEBC的领导人在智力上很冒险, 道德稳健, and generous of heart and spirit as they model appreciation for others and give generously of heart and spirit to collaborate with the community to support College Prep’s mission, 哲学, 和视觉.
    • 为社区提供家长激励的公平和包容机会
    • 与学生合作, 澳门, 教育工作者要激励和赋予一个包容和公平的社区力量
    • Partner with mission aligned organizations to inspire and empower an inclusive and equitable community
    • 创建激励和授权人们建立善意的项目, 有创意的, 多样化的, 快乐的社区
    Parent volunteers collaborate with the Dean of 公平与归属 to 开发 offerings and 项目 for the community that inspire and empower people to practice bias management, 文化能力, 通过服务来领导.
  • 假日Careboxes

    万圣节和情人节护理套餐是澳门的一个有趣的传统! Every year the 家长协会 sells Care Boxes full of homemade cookies, 糖果, 各种各样的茶, 可可, 还有有趣的非食品节日用品. We will ship your box in plenty of time to be delivered by Halloween or Valentine's Day. 护理箱的负责人负责计划, 开发ment and implementation of this fund-raiser at Halloween and Valentine’s Day. The boxes include cookies and fun holiday items that are ordered by 澳门 or past 澳门 to be sent to college students or friends.
  • 热情好客

    The 热情好客 Coordinators are responsible for the refreshments served at every 澳门’ Association meeting and Live Talk meeting. The 热情好客 Coordinators attend the monthly 澳门’ Association meetings and arrive early to help set up the refreshments and ensure there are supplies needed for school events.
  • LiveTalk讲座系列

    LiveTalk主席(s)负责规划, 开发ment and implementation of the College Prep 系列讲座 called LiveTalk. The LiveTalk Chair(s) identify and invite speakers to participate in the lecture series, coordinate with College Prep staff and the PA President to determine appropriate calendar dates for the lectures, 计划, 开发, 宣传, 组织志愿者参加讲座.


  • 商人奖励

    The 商人奖励 Coordinators 宣传 and promote 澳门’ use of merchants who provide rewards to the College Prep PA, and educate the College Prep community about the merchant rewards program and how to use it. 这样做的想法包括偶尔的信息展示, 确保网站信息是最新的, and creating flyers and other informational literature to share Tracks e-Scrip and merchant rewards earned, and reconciles them with the Treasurer’s record of automated bank deposits monthly.
  • 提名和志愿协调员

    The 提名和志愿协调员 are responsible for filling the roster of PA positions. The Coordinators encourage engagement in 澳门’ Association activities from among 澳门 and guardians within the community, get to know the members of our community to help ascertain interest in and experience with PA positions, 并在PrepWeekly上刊登招聘广告. 协调员还邀请家长和监护人担任PA职位, 处理年度内的职位转换事宜, and finalize the roster for the coming year and provide it to the Executive Committee.
  • 家长班级代表

    班级代表计划, 组织, and run activities each year for their grade-level 澳门 and guardians in coordination with the PA Executive Committee and College Prep Staff. 有些活动每年都有所不同, 但所有这些都包括吸引家长的方法, 创建社区, 并鼓励家长参与PA. 班级代表监督或帮助协调活动,包括早上的咖啡, 读书俱乐部, 散步或骑自行车. 
    • 9年级:九年级家长咖啡(静修后),九年级秋季聚餐
    • 10年级:返校日自助餐和咖啡
    • 11年级: 11年级家庭春季野餐、毕业酒会及活动支持
    • 12年级: 入学 event support, Senior Appreciation event organization, 教师 and Staff Appreciation
  • 春天的好处

    志愿者s work together to come up with the annual theme and 装饰 for this main fundraising event. There are many sub committees available for this event including solicitation, 装饰, 方板, 沉默的拍卖, 现场拍卖, 活动之夜帮助, 和领导能力.
  • 夏季社区聚会

    The 夏季社区聚会 Coordinators are responsible for the 计划ning and implementation of the annual August Community Gatherings by finding hosts for these parties, 发送公告, 并在需要时帮助宿主. The coordinators identify geographic areas for approximately 5 parties and find hosts for these parties at the beginning of the summer, 最好是在学年结束之前. 志愿者s contact families in the different Zip Codes by flyers (designed by the coordinators) and/or by e-mails and calls to the families to welcome them and encourage them to come. This is a great opportunity to meet other CPS families and to perhaps arrange car pools.


Join the ranks of committed families who engage in our College Prep community. 无论你有什么才能和兴趣,总有适合你的地方. Your participation and efforts are deeply appreciated by the school community!

